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News 2012


Regional dog show "Lianozovo" in Moscow (Russia)
judgle - Levshova (Russia)

Miledy Millessenta Honnyberg (owner S. Nedbailova) - excelent-1 in intermedia class, CW, CQ, BF-2, r.CAC


ХХI Nacional Dog Show in Valmiera, Latvia
judgle - Audrone BABIANSKIENE (Lithuania)

Prince Alexander Xonyberg (owner A.Tiltanova) - excelent 4 in junior class


Nacional Dog Show in Moscow (Russia)
expert - Ostrovskaja (Russia)

Maria Mirabella Honnyberg (owner A.Kuznecov) - excellent-1 in intermedia class, CW, CQ, BF-1, CAC, BOO!!!


Nacional Dog Show in Moscow (Russia)
expert - L. Chistjakova (Russia)

Miledy Millessenta Honnyberg (owner S.Nedbailova) - excellent-1 in intermedia class, CW, CQ, BF-1, CAC, BOB!!!

07.08.2012 Were born puppies 2 males and 2 females from pair:


BH - test



Milbu Bogdana

Dutch Champion
SSV Junior champion (SSV JK '10)
VDH Junior champion (VDHJK'10)
Dutch Junior champion (NJK'10)
Luxemburgs Junior champion (LJK'10)
Rheinlandjugendsieger 2010
Europa Jugendsieger 2010
Crufts qualification 2011/2012
BOB and BIG Wijchen 2011
Invitation Dog of the Year show
HD- AA. ED-00


Monalou For Your Eyes Only (owner Karla Zurhaar)



 05.08.2012 National dog-show in Rezekne (Latvia) judgle FCI Olga Kojevnikova,Belarus
        Elizabet Sotel - Han open class - exc.-1, CQ, BF-1, CAC, BOB.
        Champion of Latvia and Belarus !!!

Elizabet Sotel - Han


04.08.2012. National dog-show g. Noginsk (Russia), judge FCI - E. Alekseeva,Russia
       MARIA MIRABELLA HONNYBERG (Azuro Powrot Sokola & Milbu Xilfida)  сlass junior - exc.-1., PP, JCAC,JBOB,BF1, BOB !!!(owner A.Kuznecov)
       Young Champion of Russia!!! We congratulate!!!



Happy birthday to Milbu Bogdana!!! She becomes 5 Years old!!!
We wish strong health and long life!!!

Milbu Bogdana


10.06.2012 Irkutsk (Russia) CACIB "Bajkal - Leto 2012" expert K. Barbosov (Russia)
Princesse Pearle Xonyberg (owner I.Ageeva) - class bebi. exc-1. BB

Princesse Pearle Xonyberg


02.06.2012 Moscow (Russia) CAC club "Kinolog i ja" expert Ostrovskaja (Russia)
Maria Mirabella Honnyberg (owner A.Kuznecov) - junior classe. exc-1. JCAC. BOO

20.05.2012 Moscow - CAC expert L.Popova (Russia)
Maria Mirabella Honnyberg - junior class - exc.-1 JCAC, BJ, BOB, Big-4 ( from 17 dogs)

13.05.2012 Riga (Latvia) Special dog-show 2 group FCI. expert G.Kalinicenko (Ukraina)
Milbu Bogdana - open classe - exc-3. CQ. BF-4

29.04.2012 Moscow (Russia) - CAC club "Russia" expert Nikitina (Russia)
Maria Mirabella Honnyberg (owner A.Kuznecov) - junior classe. exc-1. JCAC

Maria Mirabella Honnyberg

29.04.2012 Moscow (Russia) - CAC club "Alfa"expert Stojanov (Bulgaria)
Maria Mirabella Honnyberg (owner A.Kuznecov) - junior classe - exc.-2. rez. JCAC


Litter "M" now is 1 year old now
(Azuro Powrot Sokola X Milbu Xifilda)
Congratulations to our girls and wish them long and happy life!!!

 Maria Mirabella Honnyberg

Miroslava Honnyberg

Miledy Millessenta Honnyberg

Our next litter will be on June, 2012 from Milbu Bogdana.

Puppies went to new home:

Prince Garry Xonyberg and

Princesse Jasmine Xonyberg,
Moscow (Russia)

Prince Lion King Xonyberg, Kapellen (Belgium)

Prince Alexander Xonyberg,
Riga (Latvia)

Princesse Pearle Xonyberg,
Irkutsk (Russia)


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